Mental Health Project (Artspace)

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Mental Health Project (Artspace). We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Mental Health Project (Artspace).


Illustration of 5 readers sharing their go-to verse for anxious days

We Ask 5 Readers . . . What's Their Go-To Verse for Anxious Days

We invited five young adults to share with us their go-to verse when they find themselves struggling with their mental health, and we hope you’d be able to find a gem among these.
Misconceptions of mental health

4 Misconceptions about Mental Health

Unfortunately, not everyone gets it right when it comes to understanding mental ill-health (And we’re still trying to figure it out ourselves!)

He On The Sea, I On The Shore

The experience of mental illness can be incredibly isolating–not only for the one who’s suffering, but for their loved ones too. Grief, helplessness, confusion and even anger are common feelings for carers. What’s worse is feeling cut off from loved ones by the very waves of despair that threaten to drown them. 

“I Know How You Feel” & Other Things Not To Say

Title: “I Know How You Feel” & Other Things Not To Say Artwork…

I Have Anxiety But I'm Not Alone

Title: I Have Anxiety But I'm Not Alone Artwork by: Zach Stuef (@stuefcreative) Description: We…

Dear Depressed Christians

Title: Dear depressed Christians Artwork by: Emilia Ting (@lightcollector) Words…

I Have Depression and This Is What I Want You to Know

Title: I Have Depression And This Is What I Want You To Know Materials: Illustration Artwork…