Mental Health Project (General)

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Mental Health Project (General). We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Mental Health Project (General).


ASK YMI: If God Is Real, Why Do Christians Commit Suicide?

It’s a bold and a fair question, but somewhat misinformed in its assumptions. It seems to assume that being a Christian somehow exempts a person from their own brokenness and the world’s brokenness. It doesn’t.

4 Ways Your Pastor Might Be Struggling More Than You Think

When news broke on the suicide of Pastor Andrew Stoecklein from Inland Hills Church, California, a concerned friend sent me a message to appreciate my work and to find out how I was doing. It was a nice gesture triggered by a sense of shock that was shared by many others in the world. How could it be that a pastor who seemed to “have it all together,” was so overwhelmed by the pressures of pastoral ministry and personal struggles that he took his own life?

What Not To Say To Someone Struggling With Mental Illness

Their eyebrows rose when I told them what I was writing about. I was grabbing lunch at a Christian Writer’s conference, and somehow ended up explaining to two other women that I was writing about my faith journey in light of a bipolar diagnosis.

Coming Clean On My Dirty Little Secret

I stood there with a razor in my hand. It was the first time I’d ever seriously contemplated ending my life. I had been in the shower for almost an hour, and I could hear the voices of my mother and sister pleading with me to get out.

When You Find Out Your Friend Has A Mental Illness

Simone and I were college-mates at university in England many years ago. Smart and popular, with a sarcastic sense of humor, she seemed to have it all: a strong Christian faith, a close circle of friends, top grades, and a guaranteed place in a prestigious postgraduate music program