Michelle Lai

Learn more about Michelle Lai and check out Michelle Lai’s contributions to YMI over the years.


Would Jesus Like Your Post On Social Media?

If God were on social media, would He like your post? I used to take to Instagram daily. I would post a picture with a caption telling my followers what I felt at the moment. I would post sad reflections, happy anecdotes, and even angry rants. It was my way of expressing myself and dealing with boredom and loneliness. I could “talk” to my followers without actually engaging in a conversation or meeting up with anyone.

My Fight Against FOMO

Do you have FOMO? I first heard this acronym in my church last October, when a university student shared about her struggle to manage her time after entering university; she had to balance her studies, church activities, social activities, and quiet time with God.

I Wanted to Sing, But God’s Track was Different

I had always loved singing and wanted to join the singing club in school. However, God had a different track in mind for me.

Depression Led Me to Jesus

My depression started in December 2006; there was no trigger. I just remember feeling sad on a school trip to Japan and tired all the time.

The Day My Heart Stopped

In the second half of 2015, I was appointed cell group leader in my university’s Christian Fellowship (CF). It was my first time serving as cell group leader, so I took on the role excitedly.