
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Money. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Money.


Plant sprouting - when money is never enough

When Money is Never Enough

After completing my Master’s degree in Kuala Lumpur, I decided to stay and work in the Malaysian capital instead of returning to my hometown in East Malaysia. There, I took on two jobs. On weekdays, I worked as a full-time secretary at a real estate firm, and on Saturdays, as an English teacher at a language center.

ODB: How To Enjoy Things

In his book Daring To Draw Near, Dr. John White writes that several years earlier God had made it possible for him to acquire a lovely home with many luxuries. His feelings about the house fluctuated dramatically.When he reminded himself that it was a gracious gift from God, he felt joy and thanksgiving. But when he would begin to compare it with those of his friends, he would feel proud

ODB: Money Talk

Marilyn and Steven had been married just a few years, and money was tight. But as she looked at their threadbare bedspread, she wanted to replace it. So she decided she would buy a new one with a credit card—hoping to somehow find the money to pay it off.Her devotional reading for the day surprised her when it pointed her to Proverbs 22:27, “If you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be