
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Pain. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Pain.


What Should Christians Do About the Pain and Suffering in This World?

I never expected celebrity chef and writer Anthony Bourdain to take his own life. No one did. Few guessed the internal struggles that sapped his zest for living, even while publicly he personified vitality itself. Sad news comes as a shock, even when there is so much of it.

How God Comforted Me in the Midst of Pain

Nobody told me how hard it was going to be. Nobody told me about the emotional roller-coaster ride I would go on after hearing the words of the emergency room doctor, “Your daughter needs immediate attention at a larger hospital.”

How God Used My Painful Experiences to Bless Others

A few weeks ago, my Bible study group in church was reading Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life together. There was a section from the book that caught my attention.

ODJ: Deep Wounds

The woman and her daughter approached me after I had spoken on the way God can transform pain into something good. The daughter, Kate, was too distraught to talk, so her mother spoke for her. “Last year Kate’s husband was arrested on charges of indecent dealings with children,” she said, “including his own daughter. Since then Kate has lost her husband, her kids and many of

ODJ: Pain with a Purpose

I recently watched a viral video in which men were voluntarily subjected to pain similar to what women experience in childbirth. The men began the experiment in good spirits, joking around as electrodes were attached to their abdomens. But as the pain began and eventually increased, they started to grimace and wince in pain—eventually screaming and clutching each other’s hands for emot

4 Ways to Cope with Pain and Loss

One afternoon last December, I received a text message from my former youth pastor asking me to pray for his wife, who was facing complications during delivery. When he called me later to explain the situation in detail, I could sense the tension in his voice.

When Pain Persists: Finding the Source of Strength

Written By Abigail Lai, Singapore Those of us who have lived…

ODJ: paying pain forward

Pay it forward entails the beneficiary of a good deed repaying it by doing something kind for another person—not the original benefactor. In our fallen world, however, we sometimes ‘pay forward’ pain by hurting someone in response to offences committed against us—perhaps in the past—by a different person.
But Jonathan in 1 Samuel shows us that a person can choose to treat p

A Philosophy of Pleasure

I've been reading a book recently that has a main character who…