
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Peace. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Peace.


Why Is Waiting on God So Hard?

“How long do I have to wait?” I asked myself this question every day. I had recently stopped working my job in the US because of an unexpected delay in my immigration paperwork, and had no idea when it would be resolved.

John Wick 3: Parabellum and the Elusive Quest for Peace

The neo-noir action thriller John Wick 3: Parabellum (2019) knocked Avengers: Endgame off its top perch in the US box office with an estimated US $57 million gross in its opening weekend.

I Have Anxiety But I'm Not Alone

Title: I Have Anxiety But I'm Not Alone Artwork by: Zach Stuef (@stuefcreative) Description: We…

How God Comforted Me in the Midst of Pain

Nobody told me how hard it was going to be. Nobody told me about the emotional roller-coaster ride I would go on after hearing the words of the emergency room doctor, “Your daughter needs immediate attention at a larger hospital.”

Trump-Kim Summit: Real Peace or Fake News?

Today (June 12), the tiny island-state of Singapore hosted one of the most historic events of our generation—the summit between the president of the United States of America (US), Donald J Trump, and his counterpart from North Korea, Kim Jong Un.

ODJ: “He Is So Good!”

“I do not know whether anyone has ever succeeded in not enjoying praise. And, if he enjoys it, he naturally wants to receive it. And if he wants to receive it, he cannot help but being distraught at losing it. Those who are in love with applause have their spirits starved not only when they are blamed off—hand, but even when they fail to be constantly praised.” —John Chryso

Why Does It Have To Be This Way?

Life. It’s unpredictable. Some days it’s peaceful, other days it’s tumultuous. Sometimes it’s beautiful, other times it’s dreary. Some of us enjoy good health and long life, some of us suffer continually and die early. Ever paused and asked why?

ODJ: peace to you

Recently as I sat in a circle of leaders from our church, a woman asked a simple question, provoking rich discussion. “What are your hopes for our church?” There were several responses, for our little community has many hopes. But on that night this spilled out of me: “I hope we become more and more the kind of people who learn to resist the anxieties of this world because we bel

ODJ: the end of all wars

In 1893 the inventor of the machine gun was asked if his invention would make wars even more devastating. He replied that he believed they would make wars impossible. Many inventors and great scientists have said similar things over the years, only to discover that this was not the truth. Scientific progress has not slowed the beat of war, but has only made it far more deadly than it had ever been