
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Prayer. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Prayer.


Group of Christians praying with bibles in their laps

Praying: For whose ears?

Palms sweaty, heart racing, mind on overdrive. No, it's not nervousness over an impending exam or presentation, but, well . . . praying with others.
Woman standing alone praying

3 Things I Never Knew About Prayer

Despite being Christian for almost 22 years, I never liked nor knew how to pray for the better part of those two decades. I’d always think, “Why do I need to pray when God already knows everything?”

5 Ways to Renew Your Prayer Life

Prayer is an essential part of a healthy walk with God. For many Christians, though, this is an area of struggle. We know prayer is important, but we find it difficult to establish it as a regular habit in our life.

ODJ: Healing Prayer

After learning that a 7 year old boy dying of leukaemia wanted to be a police officer, several members of the Arizona Police made every effort to make his wish come true. Just days before he died, they made him an honorary officer—including his own law enforcement hat and junior-sized police uniform. That one wish launched a movement. Make-A-Wish, an international organisation that

ODJ: Voicing Lament

Most of us know someone who finds life particularly hard. Maybe they live with chronic pain, have faced the loss of a child or have faced multiple adversities. Perhaps you’ve been in this place too. If so, you’ll know that dealing with these challenges can be spiritually depressing. We want God to intervene, but He hasn’t. And that can leave us feeling sad, lonely and angry. Surp

ODJ: Greater Work

In just a few short hours, my husband and I learned that—although our lives were soon to be united in marriage—we wouldn’t walk identical paths. We had been dating for over a year when each of our fathers entered the hospital on the same day, though in two different facilities. One man breathed raggedly in his final stages of cancer; the other lay bleeding internally on the opera
Woman praying in peace with her hands on the bible

3 Reasons Why I Pray

I was 11 years old when my family went on a holiday to Beijing; that was my first trip to China. One morning, my brother became ill and had to stay in the hotel to rest. As my mum had to be with him, she told me to buy breakfast from the food store in front of the hotel.

ODJ: Certain Goodness

As my sister and I were growing up, our parents taught us about the love of Jesus and to enjoy intimate prayer with Him. As I grew older, sometimes life’s varied challenges pressed hard on me, and my prayers became requests based on need rather than tender dialogues with the One who delights in giving to His children (Matthew 7:11). In other words, my prayers were based on circumstances rath
An indonesia youth

Indonesia: What Satisfies Youth?

Recently, we read news about some Indonesians who moved to…