
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Pride. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Pride.


ODJ: the real boss

Seven months later, American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke some words in response to attacks on American diplomatic missions in the Middle East that echoed my son’s convictions.

“When Christians are subject to insults to their faith, and that certainly happens, we expect them not to resort to violence,” Clinton said. “The same goes for all faiths. . . . Refraining f

ODB: Battling Ego

When a general returned from a victorious battle, ancient Rome would stage a parade to welcome the conqueror home. The parade would include the general’s troops, as well as trophy captives who had been brought along as evidence of the victory. As the parade made its way through the city, the crowds would cheer their hero’s success.To prevent the general’s ego from becoming unduly swollen, a

ODJ: learning humility

Last month, as my wife was using our riding lawn mower, she accidentally hooked the bottom of the mower on one of the swings of our swing set. It dangerously lifted the front tyres off the ground! So as I was recently cutting the grass, her scare reminded me to slow down to first gear. I confidently manoeuvred around the swing on my left—but I failed to see the one on the right. Suddenly the mow

ODJ: stop trying

Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as “AA,” is a worldwide movement that attempts to helpalcoholics break free from their addiction to drinking. One of the first things AA leaders tell those who “can’t lay off the sauce” is that they have to come to the end of themselves. In order to break free from their addiction, they have to admit that they are powerless to stop—no matter how hard th

ODJ: my greatest enemy

A Christian leader was once asked: “Who is your greatest enemy?” He replied, “Every morning I see him in the mirror.” Perhaps that’s the real reason why some of us are facing challenges in our marriage, school, work or church. The person who’s giving us a hard time isn’t our spouse, our boss or someone else. We are our own worst enemy.

Today’s reading in Galatians 5 e

ODJ: stay hungry

It’s often more difficult to stay on top than it is to get there. This is true in sports: a young boxer trains hard as he fights his way through the ranks, but once he wins a championship he becomes lazy and loses his title to a new, hungrier challenger. This is also true in business. A rising star puts in long hours as she climbs the corporate ladder, but she loses her edge when she begins to e

ODJ: he said, she said

A radio broadcast of H. G. Wells’ novel The War ofthe Worlds panicked thousands of listeners back in 1938. People who tuned in actually believed that aliens had landed on a farm in New Jersey and were preparing to attack America. They mistook a work of fiction for actual current events! A series of phony news bulletins featured a reporter giving an ‘eyewitness’ account of terrifying happenin

ODJ: whose will?

Generation Ex-Christian is a book about younger 
 believers leaving Christianity. Drew Dyck, the 
 author of the book, chronicles one interview he had with a young man who left Christianity to join the Wiccans: “Ultimately why I left is that the Christian God demands that you submit to His will. In Wicca, it’s just the other way around. Your will is paramount. We believe in gods and goddes

ODJ: losing ourselves

James Hunter, a sociology professor at a large university, says, “Many people continue to think of their lives in moral terms; they want to live good lives, but they are more uncertain about what the nature of the good is.”?