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5 Verses to Help You Navigate a “New Normal”

5 Verses to Help You Navigate a “New Normal”

Now, just as many of us are finally getting used to things, transition is back on the horizon. Once again, it will be stressful. Overwhelming. Isolating. Traumatic. It’s exhausting to think about. But here are five verses that can help us as we prepare for another “new normal.”

How the Gospel Transformed My Life

I sank into near depression after giving birth four years ago. My days were spent in tears of self-pity as I faced many issues on my own as a new mom, combined with misunderstandings with my husband and in-laws. My marriage was on the rocks. I had no joy. My life was a mess I could not get out of.

ODJ: no regrets

Take a guess: what do you think are the top five regrets of the dying? A palliative nurse listed her findings in a book. Here they are: 1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life

ODB: Lasting Regrets

While I was talking with a gifted pianist, she asked me if I played any musical instruments. When I responded, “I play the radio,” she laughed and asked if I had ever wanted to play any instrument. My embarrassed answer was, “I took piano lessons as a boy but gave it up.” Now, in my adult years, I regret not continuing with the piano. I love music and wish I could play today. That conversa