
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Submission. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Submission.


ODJ: losing ourselves

James Hunter, a sociology professor at a large university, says, “Many people continue to think of their lives in moral terms; they want to live good lives, but they are more uncertain about what the nature of the good is.”?

ODJ: God's garden

Last spring I planted a herb garden, even though I don’t have a ‘green thumb’. In fact I only sporadically watered the plants when their environment reached desertlike conditions. But, fortunately, I was able to enjoy cooking with the fresh produce of my work throughout the summer. A year later, though, I looked out at my garden and realised that my garden—like my life—was in a different

ODJ: magical green stick

When the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy was a child, he believed in a magical green stick that could destroy all evil. His lifelong yearning for moral perfection in himself may have grown out of that childish belief.

ODJ: driving God out?

Is it possible to drive God away? The answer is a 
 resounding “Yes!” Ezekiel gives us one sure way—
 idolatry. In a fascinating account, the prophet recorded what made God leave the room. In Ezekiel 8:1 we read that the leaders of Judah were gathered at Ezekiel’s home. They were probably seeking a word of encouragement and comfort from the Lord (14:1, 20:1). God, in reply, gave Ezekie

ODJ: carried

When my boys were smaller and it was time for bed, they would often ask if they could “be a sack of potatoes”. I would pick them up by their legs, sling them over my shoulder and climb the stairs to their room.

ODJ: true freedom

Many countries annually exercise their freedom to literally change time. I experienced this timely change when I was in America a few years ago. During my visit in the spring, I witnessed Daylight Savings Time—a national law that calls for all clocks to be set back by one hour. It’s designed to save energy, and it also leads to lighter mornings for children who are heading to school. Interesti

ODJ: zero hero

Birds of a feather flock together.” I’m not sure about that famous phrase. For throughout my student years I hung out with bright and beautiful people. But I don’t think I’m either.

ODJ: java gods

Recently, coffee drinkers in Helsinki, Finland, could visit a café called Kauko for a free cup of coffee. Sipping java at the Kauko coffee shop meant, however, that they were at the mercy of Internet users who controlled the shop’s environment. These ‘java gods’ could adjust the lighting, music and furniture for a total of one minute, and webcams allowed Internet users to watch people react

ODJ: sheltered

The red and white “For Sale” sign in our garden boldly proclaims that our lives are in transition. Stepping out by faith, my husband and I are selling our home and leaving his current position of ministry to move to a community about 30 miles away. Confident that God is able, I still find myself trying to get my bearings as we wait on the unknown. I daily live between two places: at peace with