
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Suffering. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Suffering.


ODB: Hard Way To Strength

Diamonds are beautiful and valuable gemstones, but their beginning is common carbon—black, dirty, and combustible. Through years of intense heat and high pressure, they become pure and strong. This makes them a good metaphor for spiritual strength; God uses intense outside forces to rid us of impurities and to perfect His strength in us.God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness, says the

ODJ: bring it on

Australian-born evangelist Nick Vujicic entered theworld without arms or legs. Throughout his life he’s had a deep desire for God to make him whole. Nick has even prayed that he would grow appendages. Once, he and some Christian friends fashioned arms and legs out of clay and prayed for the limbs to become flesh. Although it didn’t happen, Nick still prays, “Please give me arms and legs. But

ODJ: the Christ

Nearly every year tabloids become embroiled inscandals over their publishing of private photographs of British royalty. Contemporary figures live under scrutiny as they deal with the ever-present paparazzi. With each scandal, there’s a furious debate over the difference between news and the boundaries of privacy. The intense interest won’t wane. The royal family holds a title, and that title r

ODJ: tissue boxes

As I sat in the surgical waiting room, I had plenty oftime to think. I’d been here before. The last time, the outcome was bad—very bad. On that day we received the news that my only brother was “brain dead”—two devastating words.

Today was different. Alone, I listened to the room’s nervous laughter, intense phone conversations, oblivious children and the quiet voic

ODJ: imagine

In 1971 John Lennon wrote a song about heaven and hell. The British public voted ”Imagine” their nation’s favourite song in 1999, and it earned Lennon a Grammy Hall of Fame Award that same year. The song also ranked number 3 on Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time (2004).

Lennon wrote: “Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us o

ODJ: had to go there

Author Elizabeth Berg once wrote, “You know thephrase ‘It’s always in the little things’? In writing,it is always the little things—it’s the details . . . that make a character and a story come alive.”

The gospel authors knew the importance of details. For example the apostle John wrote that Jesus “had to go through Samaria” as He was travelling from Judea to Galilee (

ODJ: backslap back?

When I lived in China I had an American friend who was radically committed to bringing the gospel to that nation. He mastered the Chinese language until even the Chinese thought he spoke exactly like them, with no foreign accent; and he aggressively shared Jesus at every opportunity. Once he was attacked by thugs, and rather than use his larger size to fight back he obeyed Jesus’ command to turn

ODJ: bwana asifiwe!

Bwana asifiwe!” is Swahili for Praise the Lord! As I travelled from the dry place of Tala to the slums of Kawangare to the densely populated and dangerous ghetto of Korogocho in Kenya, this is the way every believer greeted me.

Living under the constant pitch of despondency, Bwana asifiwe? Surrounded by the dark shadows of squalor, poverty and destitution, Bwana asifiwe?Living in the

ODJ: not broken

As someone who has spent a lot of time in the coastal waters of Florida, America, I’ve always enjoyed seeing bottlenose dolphins up close in the wild. That’s one reason I was particularly drawn to the film Dolphin Tale.

Based on a true story, the film is about a fatherless and disheartened boy named Sawyer who finds great joy and meaning in the rehabilitation of an injured bottle