The Gospel

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under The Gospel. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: The Gospel.


3 Reasons Why Christians Need to be Hearing the Gospel—Again

“Good morning! This is the gospel, it’s free,” the middle-aged man said brightly as he extended a tract titled “If Only” to the lady walking ahead of me. When she shook her head, he turned to me and offered the same tract.

Do You Know and Tell the Gospel?

I don’t think I’m being overly cynical in saying that many Christians, including myself, lack evangelistic zeal. I have noticed that I can talk to my friends about almost any topic except the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sharing Your Faith: What Not to Do

Christianity is contagious and yet, in this world of easy communication and hundreds of different beliefs, sharing the gospel with family, friends, dentists, garbage collectors, colleagues, enemies, taxi drivers, teammates or others can often go awry pretty quickly—without us even knowing why.

Breaking Free from the Smoke

One of my neighbors—a middle-aged woman—was diagnosed with pneumonia. She had been smoking for half of her life, puffing on more than a pack of cigarettes a day.