trusting God

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under trusting God. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: trusting God.


How Can I Trust God When Life Is So Uncertain?

This time last week, I was boarding a last-minute flight home to the UK from Austria, moments after the Austrian government had announced a national lockdown in response to the global spread of the coronavirus. Stepping aboard a plane full of anxious passengers and cagey crewmembers was an unsettling flying experience I won’t soon forget.

Where Was God in My Job-Hunting Struggles?

By the end of my second summer after college, I was still jobless and had moved back in with my parents—something I vowed I would never do.

Does Planning Show A Lack of Faith?

Should I have simply trusted that God would provide for me, and moved cities without working to plan ahead? Did my planning reveal an immature faith that doubted God’s provision? I was not sure how to strike a balance between trusting God while doing my part.

A Dream I Had to Give Up . . . Hong Kong

You know that oft-quoted verse, Jeremiah 29:11? I hate it. If you bring it up to me right now, I’m liable to break down in tears or leave the room, slamming the door behind me.

When Love Didn’t Come at First Sight

“What about Dakotah? Are you sure you two aren’t a thing?” For months I had been fielding this same question from my family and other friends from campus ministry.

When Marriage Isn't Quite What You Hoped For

I grew up with Ashley (not her real name) and we attended the same schools. We talked a lot about relationships when we were younger and the kind of married life we hoped for.

A Letter to the Friend Who Feels Like Giving Up on God

Dear friend, I was devastated when you told me that you’ve decided to “give up” on God. But in some ways, your decision didn’t come as a complete surprise to me.

Trusting God In A Time of Transition

Three years ago, I began my college career at a small Christian college called Calvin College. I had a lot of anxieties in the beginning—moving to a school far from home, not knowing anyone, making new friends, etc. But by the second semester, I was well-adjusted and praising God for a good first year of school and for the friends He had provided me with.
illustration of a bunny stuck in a hole

3 Truths to Cling to When You're Hit With Challenges

Whenever we're hit with challenges in life, we often expect our situation to improve and get better. I know that I often carry this hope into my prayers to God. I expect Him to intervene and provide breakthroughs during the vulnerable moments of my life.