Wendy Wong

Learn more about Wendy Wong and check out Wendy Wong’s contributions to YMI over the years.


Did Jesus Really Tell Us Not to Judge?

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” We’ve all read Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:1. It’s a popular verse that’s often used to rebuke Christians for judging the lifestyles, practices, or values of other people.

3 Reasons Why We Gossip

One of my earliest memories as a child was waiting for a doctor’s appointment with my mother. We were seated side by side in a nondescript waiting room, and seated diagonally across from us was a little girl with her mother.

How I Survived Sharing a Room with my Sister

For almost my entire life, I’ve shared a room with my younger sister. And as anyone who’s in the same plight would know, this pretty much means constant mutual antagonism.

Jesus and the Rohingya Refugees

Imagine being stranded at sea for more than a month without food and water. Packed into boats with hundreds of others, and with dwindling supplies, you have to drink urine in order to survive. The dead are thrown overboard. That is exactly what some 2,000 refugees are facing in the Bay of Bengal now.

Are We Any Different From The Bali Nine Duo?

Photo Source On 29 April this year, Andrew Chan and Myuran…