Entries by Sarah Tso

4 Ways to Pray God-Centred Prayers for Your Friends

When in the company of a fellow brother or sister-in-Christ, I believe there are few things more loving than to pray with them. But oftentimes, we can be so caught up in our busy schedules that we might not be in the right frame of mind to pray intentional prayers.

Here are four ways we can pray for our friends more boldly and relevantly—putting the focus of the prayer time on God and not on our own words and wisdom.

3 Ways to Pray for Your Unbelieving Loved Ones

There is no prayer request that’s more urgent and close to our hearts than the desire to see our loved ones—whether they’re our family members, colleagues, or close friends—come to know the Lord.

Sometimes, in praying for our loved ones, we might find it difficult to know what to pray or even find the right words to say. Here are three prayers that I hope will serve as a good starting point for you.