Mental Health

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Mental Health. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Mental Health.

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How to Walk with a Friend Through Their Mental Health Journey

As a registered Christian counsellor in a private practise, I have seen and heard words and actions that are unhelpful for people battling anxiety.

To my Past-Self Who Knew Very Little About Anxiety

Dear anxious Rosie, You are not alone in your anxiety. God feels incredibly far away at this moment, but the truth is, He has never been closer to you. He hasn’t discarded you because you are too difficult or too broken to love. He hasn’t broken any of His promises to you. He is holding you together right now. Don’t give up on trying to find God. 
Image of a glasses with a positive view on anxiety

When I Stopped Viewing Anxiety as My Enemy: 3 Lessons I Learned

It’s usually once I’m seated in a rollercoaster, and the attendants start doing their safety checks that I’m regretting my decision to go on the ride. Panic would fill my stomach. I find it hard to breathe. I feel like I’m about to die and that feeling continues to grow as the train gradually arrives at the peak of the rollercoaster.   And that’s what my anxiety feels like. 
image of 2 men sitting by the road chatting

My Vision for the Church—A Safe Space for Men to Speak About Their Mental Health

Who, or what, makes the ideal man? I’m an Australian guy, and sometimes it can be hard to have a straightforward answer. However you define a true-blue Australian man, there seems to be one universal agreement: Men should not be weak. 
Image of an illustration of a lady with agoraphobia

I Had Agoraphobia—I Didn't Know What It Was

How many people think to themselves, “I won’t walk in the park today because I might poop myself?” “I won’t drive the car because I might pass out behind the wheel?” “I won’t drink coffee because I might shake so violently that I can’t sit upright?”
Image of a lady with her face covered by a sun hat

I Kept My Anxiety a Secret Because I Was Ashamed

Living with anxiety feels like living with this giant called "fear", shadowing me everywhere I go. I had little confidence in doing new things and meeting new people. I had a lot of battles of the mind which could be quite negative, chaotic, and exhausting.

A Message to The Carers

Based on true events.  *Names have been changed to protect…
I Live with Bipolar, and It's Ok.

I Live with Bipolar, And It's Okay

I was diagnosed on the day of university commencement. My mum remembers seeing balloons streaming from the ceiling, celebrating the intake of freshman students. Mere hours before, we had come out of my psychiatrist’s office with a new label—bipolar 2.

3 Verses that Give Me Hope Amidst Uncertainty

While it may be unusual for so many people to be facing the same kind of adversity, there was something about 2020 that wasn’t unusual—the fact that it was full of adversity. Even if COVID hadn’t happened, we would still have had bad days—delays, cancelled plans, losses, pain and sadness.