
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Possessions. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Possessions.

A woman looking worry when counting her money

When You Can't Live the Life You Want

“When is Wati’s last day?” I asked my husband, frustrated. I knew that Wati, the domestic helper my husband had hired, would not be leaving anytime soon, but I wanted my husband to know that I was annoyed with him for hiring her without my consent.
iPhone calculator open - trusting god with finances

How to Trust God with Your Finances

My entire life, I have been trained to aim for financial security. “You’re saving for an emergency,” my parents would say—which of course made no sense to me at the time. Now, though, is a different story.
Pondering Money - 5 steps to handling money well

5 Steps to Handling Money Well

Money. Practically speaking, we need it to live. We use it to get food, clothes. . . to secure a place to live. To some extent, it influences nearly every decision we make every day. How can Christians keep something so pervasive from becoming an unhealthy, idolized presence in our lives?
Hands over a fire - when my home burned down

When Half My Home Burned Down

17 September 2015 is a day I will never forget. On that day, my aunt's house was burned down in a fire accident.
Girl sitting on her couch - decluttering changed spiritual life

How Decluttering Changed My Spiritual Life

A year ago, before Marie Kondo made her star appearance on Netflix, two books changed my life— Goodbye, Things by Fumio Sasaki and of course, the currently-trending Spark Joy by Marie Kondo.
Open Bible next to a table full of money

I Found Contentment In My Financial Limitation

One Sunday at church, my five-year-old niece and her family sat in the row in front of me. All of a sudden, she turned back and asked me innocently, "Aunty Agnes, how did you come to church today?"
Hand holding dollar bills - stewardship is not just about money

Stewardship Is Not Just About Money

My daughter will turn two this summer, and she has a new favorite word. “Mine!” seems to work its way into her limited vocabulary at a pretty regular rate.
Two guys on floats in the pool - just for fun

3 Questions to Ask before You Do It "Just for Fun"

You know, I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun than I have in the last couple of years. I’ve been self-employed and my wife has been in school. Since our schedules are so flexible and we have no kids, we’ve taken some pretty amazing trips.
Open window - the day we were robbed

The Day We Were Robbed

“I’ve to run. My flat . . . someone’s entered my flat. I must go,” I told my boss in a barely audible whisper. I could hardly believe my ears when I received a phone call from my sister to say we had been robbed.