
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Possessions. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Possessions.

Plant sprouting - when money is never enough

When Money is Never Enough

After completing my Master’s degree in Kuala Lumpur, I decided to stay and work in the Malaysian capital instead of returning to my hometown in East Malaysia. There, I took on two jobs. On weekdays, I worked as a full-time secretary at a real estate firm, and on Saturdays, as an English teacher at a language center.
Girl with hundred dollar bills over her face - can we be rich and godly?

Can We be Rich and Godly at the Same Time?

My youth group had just begun a study on the Beatitudes. As we were trying to make sense of the first beatitude in Luke 6:20, one youth asked, “Does it mean that Christians can’t be rich?” The question was to be expected, since Jesus’ statement seemed to suggest this line of thinking.
Hands filled with change - giving up the last of your savings

Giving Up the Last of My Savings

I was attending church one Sunday, and it was time for our offerings to be collected. Usually, I don’t have much money—sometimes, none. But this week, I felt different.