
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Apologetics. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Apologetics.

Man in the woods hiking alone

Why Do Some People Believe All Religions Lead to the Same God?

The idea that truth is exclusive does not sit well with many people today, does it? In fact, it is deeply upsetting to some. We cherish the liberty to decide for ourselves what is true and what is not; at the same time, we demand that others be truthful to us.
Steps of bird evolution

What Should Christians Make of Evolution?

Evolution. The word carries with it connotations and meanings that overspill its dictionary definition. In the public mind, it often serves as a litmus test to divide backward, Bible-believing Christians from the enlightened, liberal majority.
Miniature globe

Why did God Create a World that He Knew was Going to Go Wrong eventually?

This introduction that you’re reading now is really my third. Twice, I wrote a few paragraphs, only to remove them after finding that they were going nowhere. Despite having spent a couple of hours coming up with the first two versions, it wasn’t really difficult to click on “delete”. I mean, why continue something that is flawed?
Hand reaching out in the sunlight

Why Does God Allow Some to Suffer More Than Others?

At a recent political conference, I had the opportunity to meet individuals from different countries, many of whom were currently living amid political uncertainty. Listening to the struggles they faced in their own countries, I was intrigued.
Bonfire burning

Is it God's Fault for Sending People To Hell?

Most people don’t have an issue imagining a place like heaven, but the concept of hell is something that perplexes many, even Christians. Some of the most common questions that have been asked include: If God is love, how can He turn people away from heaven and send them to hell?
Passport with lots of stamps in it

Is Christianity just a “Get Out Of Hell Free” Card?

Christianity is simple, isn’t it? After all, don’t Bible bits like John 3:16 show that all you need to do to be a Christian is to believe in God now and then you’ll go to heaven (good place) rather than hell (bad place) when you die?
Person crossing their fingers behind their back

What if Christianity was a lie?

Many years back, a friend told me casually, “God lives by faith.” At the time, I thought, Now, that makes sense. How clever! Indeed, it did have a ring of truth to it. And it seemed logical: If I chose to stop believing in God one day, then He would, in a way, stop existing in my life.
Woman looking at her shadow against the wall

If God is good, why is there so much evil and suffering?

This must be one of the most perplexing questions Christians face. The problem of evil and suffering is a thorny issue that has caused some to fall away from their faith, prevented others from coming to God, or discouraged some from growing deeper in their walk with Him.
Looking through a magnifying glass

How do we know for sure that Christianity is the Truth?

I recently attended a religious ceremony at a Siamese Buddhist temple as part of an official visit by my MP. Several Muslims and Christians were also at the ceremony, as they had been invited after having helped the temple to solve some issues.