
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Apologetics. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Apologetics.

Wooden spoon with a pinch of salt

4 Reasons Why We Should Take Science with a Pinch of Salt

Whom would you believe about the “truth” of climate change? A politician, an activist, a journalist, or a scientist? That’s easy, isn’t it? Politicians have their agenda, activists work for their cause, and journalists have news to sell, but scientists—well, they’re neutral, aren’t they?
Person looking out into the abyss alone

God is unfair

God is unfair. He is biased. Partiality is in Him. We have compelling evidences to proof this is true. First, consider Case 01: Jeremy.
Man walking alone in the desert pondering unanswerable questions

Facing life's unanswerable questions

In a sense, I am a problematic kid. I have many questions. I wonder: What is the purpose of life? Why do we undergo sorrows and pain? If God loves us, why did He take our loved ones,