
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Trending. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Trending.

3 Reasons Why We're Drawn to Bling Empire

Ever wondered what kind of life you might have if you’re filthy rich? Well, get ready to be dazzled as Netflix’s latest hit show, Bling Empire, shows us exactly what it'd look like. If you reckon you’re going to binge on this bling, it might be worth giving this show a bit of a think. Here are three reasons why (I think) we never tire of shows like Bling Empire.

What Wonder Woman 1984 Reveals About Our Desires

After months of waiting for the release of Wonder Woman 1984, I was excited to finally get to watch the long-awaited sequel to the 2017 Wonder Woman film. While I found the plot a little messy, what I did not expect was to find certain themes that related to the gospel in the movie.

4 Essential Life Lessons From Start-Up

Whether you’re on #TeamDoSan or #TeamJiPyeong, here are some essential life lessons from Start-Up that can speak into our own journeys—whether we’re starting a new relationship or venture, helping others kick-start their own dreams, or figuring out exactly what we want to do with our lives.

Unity Isn’t Joe Biden’s Job

As my family watched the votes come rolling in on election night last week, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of heaviness at the obvious division in the U.S.

Among Us: 3 Insights for Our Walk with God

In my recent chats with my friends, new phrases like “That’s sus.” or “You imposter!” have infiltrated our conversations. These are usually met with a knowing grin and a tongue-in-cheek response like “Yeah! Sus!” before laughter ensues among us.

3 Ways to Respond Rightly to Viral News

Living in a digital age means we all have been given access to information like never before, and will find ourselves surrounded by a culture that demands a response from us on issues that affect us—directly or indirectly. This got me thinking of the following: How should we engage with the news we come across? Is there a biblical response we as believers should adopt?

It's Okay to Not Be Okay: Whose Story Matters?

Like most people, I only started watching Netflix’s recent K-drama, “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay”, to check out Kim Soo-hyun’s long-awaited comeback to K-dramaland. But as soon as the opening sequence began, I was completely sucked into the whimsical, Tim Burton-esque story of a beautiful girl trapped in a tower by herself because the world sees her as a “monster who brings along the shadow of death”.

Indian Matchmaking: 4 Reasons We Can't Stop Watching

Who knew Indian Matchmaking would be the 2020 pick-me-up we didn’t know we needed? Netflix’s new show is going viral, and we’re all a little surprised at just how willing we are to binge-watch the full 8-episode season.

Folklore: 3 Life Lessons Taylor Swift Just Dropped Along with Her Surprise Album Announcement

I was really happy to find an animated GIF of a dropping jaw on Instagram this morning, because really and truly, that’s the best representation of my current state. Why? Because . . . Taylor Swift just announced she's releasing a brand new, surprise album. Tonight!!