
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Trending. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Trending.

4 Tips to Survive A Second Lockdown

I tried to count my blessings. I still have my job, my friends and family, and a roof over my head. But yet other emotions such as anger, sadness, and disappointment, pushed in at me. Anger that my brief taste of freedom has been taken away, sadness at not knowing when I’ll be able to see my family in New Zealand again, and disappointment at having plans cancelled yet again. 

EPL Champions After 30 Years: What Liverpool's Win Taught Me About Victory and Defeat

It’s the moment every Liverpool fan has been dreaming of. After 30 long years, countless close runs, and a three-month delay no thanks to Covid-19, Liverpool Football Club have finally been crowned Champions of English football, with a record-breaking seven games in hand and a 23-point lead.
How Should Believers Respond to the Killing of Black People

How Should Believers Respond to the Killing of Black People?

This week, a police officer in Minneapolis held his knee to the neck of George Floyd, an African American man. After nine minutes of what can only be described as desperate pleas and cries, George died. He was murdered on a street, in broad daylight, by an institution designed to protect people.

100 Humans: 5 Ways to Handle Criticism and Praise

What works better, criticism or praise? A recent Netflix series “100 Humans” put this to test in one of its episodes where 16 randomly selected participants were asked to learn a new skill—the lost art of plate spinning—in two hours, and then judged on their performance by their coach, Fantastic Patrick.

The World of the Married: When A Loving Spouse Turns into Your Greatest Enemy

How does a loving relationship dissolve into one filled with hatred and resentment? This is the question at the heart of “The World of the Married”, the recently concluded k-drama that has been keeping viewers alternating between suspense and disbelief over the past eight weeks—sparking introspective conversations about fidelity and trust, and shattering k-drama rating records in its wake. 

Dear Covid-19, I Wish We Never Met . . .

Dear Corona, You’ve been on my lips almost every day, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you for weeks now. I’ve even been stalking you online—seeing what you’ve been up to lately, following your every move. Clearly, you’ve captivated me like no other.

Covid-19: Calm Your Farm and Carry on With Life

Things got very serious when WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic just over a week ago, coupled with countries going into lockdowns with tighter security measures in place, and a second wave of panic set in. The fear of a lockdown, with shops and schools closed, are sending people to the supermarkets to clear shelves out of long-life foods such as pasta, canned tunas, flour—to name a few.

Coronavirus Pandemic: I'm Afraid, and I Don't Even Know Why

Last night, the panic rose to a new level as the governor ordered all K-12 schools in the state to close for three full weeks. This morning, I woke up to the first three confirmed cases right here in my own city.

Marriage Story: Why Broken Relationships Are Still Worth Saving

I watched the Netflix movie The Marriage Story, starring Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson, on a lazy weekend evening. Although I thought I was familiar with the word “divorce”, I did not expect to have tears streaming down my face as I wrestled with the meaning of broken relationships, forgiveness, and redemption over the next two hours and 17 minutes.