Christian Living

Learn more about Christian Living and check out Christian Living’s contributions to YMI over the years.


The Upside Down Kingdom

Title: The Upside Down Kingdom Artwork by: YMI X Zach Stuef…

5 Ways To Do Christ-centered Friendship

Title: 5 Ways To Do Christ-Centered Friendship Artwork by:…
Knowing the Bible is Not Enough

Knowing the Bible is Not Enough

Early this year, someone new joined the small church that I attend. He identified himself as a Singaporean working in the United States, temporarily sent back to Singapore for a work project.

How Can I Truly Live An Authentic Christian Life?

I thought it was going to be our usual Christian Students’ Meeting—sing a few worship songs, listen to a bible teaching and pray. But my seniors decided otherwise that day. They wanted us to have an impactful structured experience on what it meant to suffer for Christ.

Malaysia’s 14th General Election—How Can Christians be “Salt and Light”?

Tomorrow marks Malaysia’s 14th General Election. It has undoubtedly been the topic that has occupied the attention of all Malaysians, myself included, over the past few months.

The Christian Walk: A Warm Summer Holiday?

I was brimming with excitement when I finalized my bookings for my big trip to Europe last year. Having forked out a significant amount of money for both my air tickets and a new camera, I was certain my first trip to UK and France would be a complete blast.

5 Tips to Stay Woke as a Christian

“Stay woke? Well, I must be awake, because I am talking with you.” That was my response to a friend when I first heard the term, stay woke*.

A Fruitful Life

Title: A Fruitful Life Materials: Watercolour Artwork by: Jenn…

Life online and offline

Title: Life online and offline Materials: Graphic Illustration Description: Are…