Christian Living

Learn more about Christian Living and check out Christian Living’s contributions to YMI over the years.


Ways To Enjoy God

When it comes to our relationship with God, we all know what's the right thing to do: read your Bible, pray everyday, walk in constant obedience...and the list goes on. But when was the last time we stopped to really enjoy God’s presence, take stock of the gifts He has given us, and to revel in how much He delights in us?

Gratefully Yours

New opportunities? Seize them. Difficult dilemmas? Move past them. Painful failures? Ignore them.

Crack of Blinding Light

But what if there’s a certainty we can cling on to—knowing that as we follow Him, God will make a way for us, and that step will lead only to our good.

Carrying Our Crosses: What Is It Really About?

Many of us may think “carrying our crosses” is about enduring the hard things we bear in life, such as a difficult relationship, a physical or mental illness, or a dead-end job. 
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Mum And I: Pretty As A Posy

What do mums and flowers have in common? They brighten up our day, have the power to turn our frowns upside down, and they come in a variety of personalities and temperance. There’s the sunny, outgoing mum, the one who adores romance, and the one who exudes timeless beauty. 
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5 Lessons You Need (But Weren’t in Your Textbooks)

It’s easy to think that good grades are all one needs to succeed in life, but we need more than just knowing that the area of a circle is π r², or F = M A. There are many things in our life that textbooks can’t teach us, so how do we navigate life in those instances?

Keys To Fruitful Living

Most of us desire to live a flourishing life, and often strive to find the secret to a fruitful, bumper crop. But we don’t have to look very far to find the keys to fruitful living.

Let's Talk About Godly Women

We’ve all heard of the Proverbs 31 woman: She’s this competent all-rounder with a long list of accomplishments—someone who has it all.  Perhaps most of us feel intimidated when we read the passage, but Proverbs 31 isn't written to incite guilt or to make us live up to an impossible standard, but is an invitation to live our lives in the fear of the Lord (v. 30) and in obedience to Him.

5 Realities Of What It Means To Be Christ-like

As Christians, we all aspire to be just like Christ. But what does it actually mean? And how will we know that we’re living like Christ?