
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Comparison. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Comparison.


We must be grateful and not be discouraged by the devil

Discouragement: The Devil’s Most Effective Weapon

I once heard a story of an old devil who was planning to retire. He put up for auction all the weapons which he had accumulated over the years. They ranged from envy to laziness to gossip.

The Day I Stopped Comparing

Who remembers dial-up Internet, a limit on the amount of texts you could send per month, and the handy-dandy flip phone? What about the Gameboy, LeapPad, and board games?

A Life Lesson in an Elevator

One morning, I was in an elevator travelling down from the 27th floor. It stopped at the 19th floor. “Selamat pagi,” a tourist said as she entered the elevator with her luggage. “Good morning.”

Why Comparing Can be Dangerous

I won’t deny that I often compare myself with others, including family members and friends. Such moments make me realize that there are so many people out there who have talents and skills that far exceed my own, and which I may never be able to attain, try as I might.