
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Surrender. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Surrender.


The Unseen and Seen

Which kingdom are you seeking—the one that’s unseen or the one that’s seen? 

Ways To Keep Yourself From Running On Empty

How often do we give our internal batteries a check-up? Do we “plug” ourselves into things that recharge and refuel us when we’re dipping into empty? Or we do stuff our tiredness away and soldier on?

An Invitation to Grieve Well in 2020

Last November on my husband’s birthday, I half-jokingly declared the coming year would be “the best year of his life.” Clearly, I had no clue what 2020 would become.

Abundance in Dependence

After months of intense stress at my job, as well as a busy season with family and ministry, I was exhausted—and more than just physically.

3 Visible Signs Your Life Has Been Transformed

I used to believe that I could change myself—become a better person, as smart and talented as I imagined I could be. And so I immersed myself in all sorts of activities and studies, expecting this change—better grades and overall accomplishment in life—to make me feel satisfied. After all was said and done, my endeavors remained futile.

Why I Stopped Reaching for Success

So while many of my peers are starting families and careers, I’m taking New Testament survey and theology classes. If I’m completely honest, there have been times I’ve wondered if it is worth it. Shouldn’t I be putting my time and resources toward building a successful career?

Putting the Joy Back into Surrendering

Life is hard. We face broken relationships, disappointment, discouragement, ostracism, illnesses, and day-to-day things like the frustration of squeezing with the morning crowd, assignments and chores that won’t complete themselves, nights when we straddle between exhaustion and insomnia—the list is endless.
Man laying on the couch contemplating

When I Realized I Was Lukewarm

In 2012, I was in a near-fatal car accident and suffered extensive brain injury as a result. Up till then, I had been working as a family doctor in northwest Indiana, USA, for six years.

I've Arrived. Now What?

It’s been a year since I graduated college, and so much has happened already! I've been blessed with a fun and challenging job in my field of study.