Entries by Contributor

Should Christians Seek Financial Freedom?

Every time I log on to my social media accounts, I spot ads like these everywhere. After seeing so much along the lines of, “Hustle, and your future self will thank you for it,” I began to feel an itch and wonder how I could increase my own wealth. Seeing how well my business and investment friends were doing, I couldn’t help but feel dissatisfied with where I was.

Caring for My Anxious Wife … Without Despairing

Imagine waking up each day, having no idea what the day will hold. Sure, you know that it’s a Tuesday, so the kids will be going to school, and you have work. But in reality, at any moment you could get a text that means you need to drop everything and return home.
That’s the reality of living with someone with a mental illness, especially when that person is  your partner. 

3 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Stepping Out in Ministry

Leaning into my fear and embracing the adrenaline coursing through my veins, I answered the Lord and said, “Yes, I’ll go to China.”

I was 19-years-old and in my second year of college when I sensed God calling me to be a missionary. Young and naive, I had no idea what was happening when I heard “Go to China” on repeat in my head for a week, on my way to and from class, while eating meals in the dining common and when trying to fall asleep at night.