
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Rest. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Rest.


graphic image of a hand and a candle


Life gets harder, the older we get. So we often look back on our past with fondness or regret. What’s the first memory that comes to mind when you recall your past? Is it a happy or sad one? Are there moments you wish you could relive or rewrite?

Do You Need Restoration In These Areas?

We're constantly overwhelmed. We spend a lot of time trying to get people to like us. We constantly look out for what’s new and exciting because we’re tired and bored of the everyday.
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How to Beat That Languishing Feeling

When 2020 ticked over into 2021, we were hopeful that the new year would be a better one. And for awhile, it did look promising. But alas, the bubble’s popped and the recent news about the outbreak of new COVID strains, worsening cases, and heightened restrictions have made us feel like we’re right back at square one. What can we do to keep ourselves going? Here are some tips to help us beat that languishing feeling.
graphic image of a penguin, a sea lion, and a polar bear

How to Regain Your Confidence At Work After a Toxic Environment | YMI

Picking ourselves up again after our self-esteem has been beaten down over and over in a toxic work environment is not easy. Recovery isn’t going to be immediate, but here are a few things you can do to reclaim your self-confidence.

The Unseen and Seen

Which kingdom are you seeking—the one that’s unseen or the one that’s seen? 

Ways To Keep Yourself From Running On Empty

How often do we give our internal batteries a check-up? Do we “plug” ourselves into things that recharge and refuel us when we’re dipping into empty? Or we do stuff our tiredness away and soldier on?
image of a shiba inu dog waiting patiently in a station

5 Myths About Faithfulness

We all struggle with faithfulness from time to time, but sometimes, we may be experiencing guilt about the wrong thing or feeling frustrated because our ideas of what faithfulness looks like aren’t playing out in our lives. Here are five myths we may be holding onto about what it really means to be faithful.

4 Refreshing Resolutions to Make in 2021

If you’re looking for inspired resolutions to go on your 2021 list, we have a few that may be just your thing!

Time to Rest

When an international scholar visited a seminary in the US, he was surprised to see an American colleague gardening on Sunday.